
OPEN. SAFE. COVID-19 Secure.

Posted on 21st May 2020

Our staff, customers and suppliers are rightly concerned about the impacts of Covid-19. Our number one priority and guiding principle to operating decisions has been to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our staff, our customers and the general public. As a general principle, we continue to monitor government guidance daily and will be guided by Public Health England in the areas of the Country in which we operate.

Since lockdown we have been continuously adapting to the changing nature of the pandemic and we will continue to do so. We have signed the Government COVID-19 Secure declaration .  

The Micheldever Group operates across a number of divisions 14 warehouses, 7 wholesale sales offices and 158 retail stores across the UK .We have carried out detailed risk assessments for each, ensuring we have all the necessary cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures to make our working environment safe and secure. For those staff who are able to work effectively from home, they will continue to do so until we have further guidance from the Government. We continue to follow government guidance on social distancing and have postponed all non-essential meetings and visits until further notice, using telephone and conference calls in place of meetings. We are observing 2m social distancing rules in all our premises for any staff and any retail customers present.

Keeping Our Business Running

Our wholesale and logistics division remain on hand to support its customers with orders and deliveries:

  • Telephony – we continue to support our customers on the phone, we can route calls to any of the seven sales offices and can divert your calls even if our sales office staff are working from home.
  • Internet – we continue to support our customers through online ordering, and customers will continue to be served through their integrated ordering systems.
  • Deliveries – We are making deliveries at least once a day to our customers. We are in a developing situation, if this changes we will keep you updated. As soon as it is feasible to do so we will increase the number of delivery runs we are able to make. Drivers are well briefed on keeping themselves and our customers safe and will keep customer contact to the minimum required to deliver your tyres safely.
  • Stock - We hold over 1m tyres across our network at any time and are in regular contact with our main suppliers to see if, and how, the products that we provide to our customers will be affected if there is going to be a prolonged impact in key manufacturing countries or in the UK supply chain. We are well stocked and will continue to be able to meet your supply requirements across all segments. We will contact all of our Customers directly if we believe that there is going to be any disruption to their supply or service as a consequence of a change in government policy during a sustained epidemic, but in the meantime it is very much business as usual and we continue to operate a comprehensive service for our Customers.

Our retail division, Protyre, remains OPEN. SAFE. COVID-19 Secure. More information about what steps they’re taking to ensure staff and customers safety can be found here

As has always been our philosophy we will continue to work in close partnership with all our customers to make sure they get exceptional levels of service and that together we can all come through this stronger. We will continually review this page and provide any further updates here.

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